Friday, July 28, 2006

More Time Than Money

Got a speeding ticket over the 4th of July weekend. To the tune of $180. Ouch. There's no telling how much speeding tickets have cost me, but I'm sure I could have bought a small lot with that kind of money (I've been getting tickets since I was 16 or 17--not steadily but just so I don't sound like a speed demon or anything). I'm kind of in a dilemma right now.

I told a friend about the ticket/cost and he said that I might want to spend that time in jail. Just turn myself in once it becomes a warrant (failure to appear). "I got more time than money, man." Now this is the time where I would love to have that pre-paid legal, but I don't really care for too many in-case-shyts. My money does me pretty well. I don't like to hand it out to money-hungry folk. But I digress. I have had to realize that it's so important for me to understand my legal rights as a black man in the U.S. Not saying that a black man is different from a white man (or am i?). Just saying that the law (po po, dem folk, dem peeple, jake, even the d.a. and the courts) would pull the wool over your eyes, if allowed. And we allow it every day. One of those unfortunate truths about life. We have an option. We can equip ourselves with information and, therefore, knowledge and power.

We've grown enough to realize that books hold wealth that unlocks doors. Unfortunately our youth do not all realize that. Inmates who have the opportunity to read find out just how much more there is to life than what they were caught up with.

**Let me break to express my support for all those caught up and "made examples of". Hang in there.**

I attended a neighborhood meeting recently for graffiti cleanup. There's been a lot of places getting tagged lately. The city's code enforcement places fines upon home/business owners who get tagged--as if they wanted it in the first place. Other city officials were there and all that I got from the meeting was that they're suggesting that you report (similar to crimestoppers) the activity so the individuals can be hauled off to jail. While the individuals are not always minors, this event just made me look at how unconcerned people can be. True, the "vandals" weren't concerned about the expense and trouble that the homeowners/business owners go through, but in efforts of teaching a lesson to some, a few got the big:
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I know that I'm not speaking about something new, but just had to mention it. After reading The Reckoning and watching the highly tragic comedy Life I've simply had some very irreverent thoughts concerning my country. I laugh when I hear people talk like prisoners are on an all-expense paid vacation, paid for by tax-dollars. We are bred to become uncaring people, mostly unforgiving, but I'll settle for uncaring. If the majority of citizens don't care, how do they even expect the rest to? My ex-wife coined the term, "I am what you make me." [Baby, if you're reading this, I wanna make you mine again. Okay, had to say dat. Sorry folk]

Oh yeah, so I'm in this dilemma. Do I hand over my freedom for a few hours/days to repay my debt to the Texas Department of Public Safety? I believe my friend because one thing I've learned is that frequent offenders are on top of their game when it comes to the legal system. Which brings me to my next suggestion. We need to find a way to make it worth people's while to enter the criminal justice field. In college, I knew a few pre-law majors. They could've made some extra shnaps with all of the kids getting hemmed up for varied offenses. If somebody's reading this with the capacity to do so, set up something to introduce kids and adults to the legal world. Provide subjects to legal students to do research on. Have them present their findings that can be distributed.

Anyway we all have more time than money. We spend our time tryna make mo' money mo' money mo' money, only to push ourselves to make more. 24 hours come and go so fast. Work takes up a good ten (including commutes for those with not so long of a commute); sleep takes six; and anotha eight to do what we do (eat, exercise, entertain, study, chores, what have you). Less or more if we sleep/work more or less. We stay on the go. Keep it poppin. [Supposedly] No time for any causes. Give a few bucks that we don't really have [okay, supposedly].

I'm gonna suggest something we've all heard and hear, take time out for somebody to give them a lift. Spark em up, if you will. It's not always instantly appreciated or recognized, but do it anyway. Others may try to stop you because it seems absurd to do for someone else, but people thought that way for all who sought to seek a change for the better.

Besides, we got more time than money.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Terrorists in a town near u (a ramble)

I had to write this, because it's disheartening when you think about it. I choose to turn my discouragement around, though. Last month or so, the world was hit with news of a group of men sympathetic to al-queda discovered in da bottom, Miami. Supposedly they were plotting some serious carnage, all evidence of course coming from an informant.

While the media does well by circulating important information rapidly, the drawback is that the information may very well be false. People in high places do not really care because they feel that if they do not put the information out, their audience will go elsewhere to get the "latest and greatest."

Well, what happened with those gentlemen training for all of this mayhem? I haven't heard anything in the news ever since the ALLEGED plot was discovered. Some of the guys had a history of violating the law, but nothing on the order of what was stamped on their heads. How many of us even care what goes down with those guys? Some have abused the justice system to make examples of people--unjustly. But hey, it's just anutha brotha in jail, right? Ain't out of the ordinary, is it?

People must be careful when embracing thug-life nowadays, because soon we'll be the terrorists. It's no longer just arabs, it's anybody "posing" a threat to national security. Admittedly, this subject about the men has me upset because they look like me. Moreso because of the community service that they were involved in. I really dislike the fact that this story resembles what happened with Marcus Garvey and the UNIA, Malcolm X, the Black Panther Party[read this cnn interview of Bobby Seale, one of the founding members], the Chicago Eight, and who knows how many others. One thing, however, is that God's love will prevail. We lose our will to "fight" for change because of who we fight against and the punishment that comes.

I'm not writing this to encite anger, although it is a frustrating situation. I'm suggesting that we learn to work together out of love and respect a lil more. I refer all to God, though. Don't get it twisted into thinking that I feel that it's all in our own power. We can do all things through Christ, not ourselves (although we have abilities).

Many people have in the past attempted to come together to make a change for the better and these days people are doing the same. Everyone should realize that these efforts tend to be in line with God's will and therefore will meet the opposition of those working against Him. It takes perseverence, patience, and a continued connection with God to see it through. Once people start to put their own will in front, we join those working against His will.

That's probably why I don't follow through with all of the things that I think would be good to do. That's probably why some people attempt to get into something as a means to an end, but get trapped into a cycle. That's why people leave and vow never to return to churches [because of something done to them/said to them]. That's why the single person making 40 g's has nothing to give someone, but the family making 20-30 can offer a meal whenever you come around. Where's our heart?

We still have that community spirit, let's try to embrace it.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Cut Throat

I've heard for every death, there's a birth. Yesterday I was informed that my lil cuz gave birth to a baby boy--7 lbs. 7 oz. Last night another cousin informed me that two cats were killed yesterday in Lincolnshire [in Marrero, LA] a neighborhood he was staying at for a while after the storm. Although i wasn't sharing the blunt my cuz had, the news blew my high related to the news of the baby.

There's much too much going on back home and it's related to a lack of love. I could say hate, cause there's a lot of hatin going on. As Soulja (Magnolia) Slim coined the term with his camp, it's cut throat. [For those interested, supposedly Cash Money is creating or working with others on a movie called Cut Throat if cats needed more influence] Fact is, however, that it is like this all over the globe. I would do my home a disservice by singling them out as some sort of plagued city.

People must realize that these kids are running around out of control. Please don't take this statement literally, because I'm saying that people (mostly younger) are trying to step up to fill shoes that they really shouldn't be trying to fill. Most any cat out of N.O. is gonna call himself a's pretty much branded into our hearts. It doesn't make everybody a gangsta and people need to really think about their actions because there is no honor amongst thieves, no matter how you look at it. Your first re-up could be your last.

Some rappers try to let you know (although I have my concerns about consistency, but this is life, right?) that now is not the time to get in big time. You have fed issues (the laws will cost you more than you make, believe it), snitching at an all-time high, and people ready to shoot first/ask questions later least much take you for what you got.

I don't know where this post is going but you have to really start thinking about one another these days. Capitalism and any other economic system is geared to putting power and influence in the hands of some whilst the remaining majority deals or suffers. We see this in America with suburbs, gated communities, ghettos and everything in between.

If we remain cut throat, trying to support only ourselves and families, then what will our families' lives be like? Will they be fighting/dying to preserve what they have because everyone else is trying to get a piece? We must learn to be happy within ourselves and content with where we are, else we'll allow greed to fester our lives.

I'll admittedly close this post abruptly, but not without sharing this sermon given by the late Martin Luther King, Jr. I am amazed at how we are not exposed to more of King's sermons, speeches and writings, but thanks to the late Coretta Scott King and the Martin Luther King, Jr. Research and Education Institute--not to mention libraries and the internet--we can capture some of the ideals that God's servant was aiming to impart to us.

Many blessings to all of you

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Sitting here listening to this recording of The Color Purple musical. I'm reminded of one of my more memorable times this year--visiting NYC with my 'ex'-wife; not a romantic trip, just as friends. Although the play was a highlight, just spending time with her was momentous to me.

One thing, folk, you gotta understand about me. Although I'm a typical good guy, I'm also a f*ck up. I agree with any saying, "well who isn't," but I'll let that statement ride for now. Not that I'm beating down on myself or anything [yeah, right] or seeking some sympathy [that I don't want or need], just want to let that somewhat suffice as an explanation to you guys of why there hasn't been any reconciliation (read: don't ask). I'm still a believer, though *wink*.

At any rate, guys/gals how does the adage go? "Absence makes the heart grow fonder." I always noticed myself pondering ex-girlfriends after the fact, so it was already expected that my heart would 'flutter' if you will when re-united for the trip. But I swear this was on some entirely different level. I guess it should, though, right? It was something for me to think about holding hands while walking city blocks, sharing close space on the subway during crowded moments, waiting patiently (for a change) while she shopped and window-shopped. Let me tell you, I'm crazy about the woman. Somewhat insane, dependent on the angle you're looking at, but hey, it's my life. In the words of Rebirth Brass Band, "let me do my thang."

The play was very well-performed. I suggest anyone with the opportunity to see it go do so. Very entertaining and although I can't personally say whether it captured the movie or book, I was very satisfied with the play itself. I never tried the book and scarcely rememeber if I saw the entire movie. At least now I know that there was actually a point to it. For me, it emphasizes the importance of knowing that God has things under control, despite the adversities that we face through our lives. We think we know what's best for us, so we do what [and who] we feel like doing. Ultimately, though, His plan is wonderful.

Sorry I write sentences in comparison to other blogs I read. Just dropping what was on the brain.

Fellas, love your women. Shake pride. Stop destroying the trust and love that your women give to you. Ladies, ya'll love diamonds. Remember that diamonds begin in the rough.

All, I love you. I wish happiness in all of your lives. Live by faith and not by sight.

I think Outkast/GoodieMob said it best in "In Due Time" from the SoulFood soundtrack (lyric credits to DJ Flash):

"Just keep your faith in me
Don't act impatiently
You'll get where you need to be
In due time
Even when things are slow
Hold on and don't let go
I'll give you what I owe
In due time"

Friday, July 07, 2006

Peace unto you.

Can I be straight up with you? I'm not a fan of judging people. It makes me feel as if I'm elevating myself. Who's beneath me? I can't think of anyone. Don't get me wrong. I have in the past and presently tend to follow that train of thought on occasion, but a self-check is in order.

So all that said, love is love. I love God and I love people. My people R my people. Doesn't stop me from loving others. We can do much more for another than we could ourselves. Love your neighbor as yourself. Stop dogging folk out. We hold on to the same childish behavior; tit 4 tat.

Think b4 acting/reacting.