Monday, November 14, 2011

Discipline - Abuse

Herrre we go again. Fresh material. More like revised.

Holiday season brings thanksgiving, gift giving, love, warmth, and then resolutions. A great many have shed the thought of realizing such hopes but it never hurts to improve.

We really have a level mind but reality gives us a different belief. Each documentable instance of our actions can be categorized in a "okay" and "not so okay" pile. We take all of the responsibility because we neglect to figure in what else could be affecting/directing these actions ... thoughts ... dreams , etc.

Our lives occupy only so much of what we consider to be a part of "existence." What is the purpose of purging yourselves when the same evil is present in many physical examples? Their is beauty in doing right, but we have got to rid ourselves of the burden of guilt when things go right.

This also goes over into blame/judgement. People are made to perform unimaginable atrocities. These same people are forced to "pay for" the crimes committed. I realize that humans have choices and are able to perform these things. I just can't eliminate the idea that we are not self-created or sustained.

Don't abuse yourself when you don't see a difference. Do better next try, understanding that you are prone to do the right thing. When trouble arises--abort.

Pay attention to how things go.

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