Saturday, December 24, 2011


Interesting how being to yourself during the holidays can seem introvert. I've always harped on being away (i.e. mississippi or louisiana) but this year took a different attitude--i'm chillin.

But now headed to austin for a couple days to be with my lady's family. Bah, humbug lol !

Should have enough going on for E Scrooge to enjoy life.

Friends without mothers.

Friends without work.

Friends in jail.

Friends sick.

Friends dead.

It's not said to make you sad ; it's only to call out what is going on. This is not a last day watch alert. It is but a flash of what you are already made aware of.

This earth has + + billion minds with that many perceptions of what life is; this from experience and understanding. I cannot take my definition as THE definition. It holds truth to me but my understanding is dependent on what God allows me to see, similar to what he [or spirits] allows me to do.

I wish for all to enjoy this holiday, as you should everyday obviously, but with kinfolk.

Time to hit the highway.

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